Winfield, Kan., March 21, 2022 – An online course that encourages Christian witness will include ways to incorporate witnessing in activities of the National Day of Prayer. The national event is set for May 5, immediately after the two-week course ends. 

“Becoming an Effective Witness for Jesus Christ” is offered through April 18 to May 2, and will be taught by Darla Thieler. Thieler is founder of Remnant Ministries, a multi-faceted outreach ministry founded in 1982, as well as being a local evangelist and certified lay speaker with the Western Pennsylvania Conference of the United Methodist Church. 

Thieler has led the non-denominational course more than a dozen times since 2017. It is designed to promote confidence and prepare learners to make a difference with every person regardless of the length of the encounter. This, she says, equips them to be effective witnesses for Jesus Christ.  

This session will be immediately before the National Day of Prayer, which was created in 1952 by a joint resolution of the United States Congress, and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman. 

“I plan to include the National Day of Prayer in the course, encouraging churches to have activities such as a prayer service or prayer time during the day, matching prayer partners for the congregation (this could include shut-ins and anyone who is not meeting face-to-face for services yet), and also prayer socials such as a meeting at a coffee shop among friends, or a lunch meeting,” Thieler says. 

Participants will need a computer and internet access; all other course materials will be provided. The class has no required meeting times and is available online at any time convenient to the learner. It is eligible for one CEU credit. More information and enrollment links are at is a ministry of the Richard and Julia Wilke Institute for Discipleship and based at Southwestern College,a United Methodist-affiliated college in Winfield, Kan.  It manages and supports a variety of educational programs — both online and in person — that increase discipleship and Christian leadership skills.