The Ambassador Initiative is a select group of individuals devoted to champion the cause of helping Christians clarify God’s call for themselves and others, become more effective in their ministry, and interact with believers in various cultures and settings.


The Institute for Discipleship’s vision is to provide Christian resources and education that build disciples and strengthen ministries.



  • Pray for the Institute for Discipleship (IFD) team
  • Provide an annual financial gift of $1000 or more to the IFD
  • Introduce the IFD and its programs to others

In return, the Institute for Discipleship:

  • Will continue to faithfully help Christians clarify God’s call for themselves and others, be more effective in their ministry, and interact with other Christians in various cultures and settings.
  • Will provide quarterly updates via email, calls, and virtual meetings to keep you in the know on current project advancements and how your contributions are making a difference. (See our Ambassador newsletter archive)

Make a Gift

All gifts are tax-deductible through Southwestern College’s not-for-profit status.

  • Make a Gift Online: You can make an online gift via our donation form. If there is a specific Institute ministry you are most interested in, please specify it.
  • Cash Gifts: Please make your checks out to “IFD at Southwestern College.” Checks may be mailed to: Institute for Discipleship, 100 College St., Winfield, KS 67156.
  • Stock Gifts: A gift of appreciated stock enables you to avoid capital gains and take advantage of an income tax deduction. We can easily help you transfer ownership of the stock to the Institute.
  • Estate Gifts: Many people like to provide support by leaving a portion of their estate to the Institute. We would be happy to discuss some opportunities with you and help you explore this option as a way to support the Institute for many years to come.
  • Gift In Kind: A gift in kind is a charitable gift of equipment or supplies. If you have some items you feel may be of some benefit to the Institute, please Steve Wilke at

Make an online gift

Ambassadors, thank you.

On behalf of the Institute for Discipleship and our entire team, we cannot do what we do without you. Our partnership together truly provides Christian resources and education that builds disciples and strengthens ministries. Again, thank you for your prayers and generous support.