New Video Study Tackles Issue Now Dividing United Methodist Church

            With the prospect of a split looming over the United Methodist Church, the Institute for Discipleship has partnered with a prominent United Methodist pastor to produce a new DVD study series addressing the issue of homosexuality. “Faithful and Inclusive: The Bible, Sexuality, and the United Methodist Church” was created to guide United Methodists through the issue that has churned the denomination for decades. “My hope is that this study can leave United Methodists with the understanding that they can affirm their commitment to the authority of scripture…continue reading →

Institute helps organize first confirmation camp for Wichita districts

After the success of the Summit Youth Academy last summer, Rev. Wendy Mohler-Seib was tapped to organize a confirmation camp for Wichita districts by district superintendent Mitch Reece. Mohler-Seib, who is the director of faith formation for youth and young adults at the Institute and leads the Summit Youth Academy, knew the camp would be a good fit with the Institute's mission of providing Christian resources and education that build disciples and would continue the Institute's history of expanding access to Christian education. “If we would not have offered this week-long intensive, they would not…continue reading →

Holy Land trip being organized for May, 2018

Those who have always wanted to take a trip to the Holy Land have the chance of a lifetime this spring. The Institute for Discipleship at Southwestern College is hosting a 10-day trip to the Holy Lands May 14-23, 2018. Anyone is invited to join the tour, even those not residing in Winfield, Kansas, where the Institute is headquartered. The trip is being coordinated by Rev. Kent Melcher through Educational Opportunities (EO), a recognized leader in international group travel. Registration for the trip will close on March 1st, 2018. Any journey to the Holy…continue reading →

Culture of Call Event & Timothy Circle Connections

Guest post by Jen Burch of United Methodist Camp and Retreat Ministries Promising young athletes are connected with key coaches, sought out and recruited to excellent teams and sports programs. Promising young scholars’ test scores are shared with top universities, building a pipeline toward future academic success. Who’s responsible for recognizing, “coaching,” and developing promising young disciples of Jesus Christ? What are the key opportunities that will nurture their gifts and build their skills and networks? Could we more intentionally build faithful young Christian leaders through whom God will transform the world? Could…continue reading →