New Board Members for the Institute for Discipleship

Four new members have been added to the Institute board. Susan Fuquay and JoAnn and Stephen Hoskins now fill the spaces vacated by Alan Ebright and Greg Thompson, who have each completed their ten-year terms on the IFD board and now relate to the board as Emeritus Members. Kim Moore replaces Cynthia Rios as the representative on the board from the Southwestern College board of trustees. Susan Fuquay Susan Fuquay is the director of program ministries at St. Luke’s UMC in Indianapolis, IN. Prior to this, she has been on staff of United Methodist churches…continue reading →

Timothy Circle receives grant from General Board of Higher Education and Ministry

The Institute for Discipleship was recently awarded a Young Clergy Initiative (YCI) grant from the United Methodist General Board of Higher Education & Ministry (GBHEM). The Institute will use this grant to hire several part-time staff members to expand the reach of the Timothy Circle.  These staff members will each have a focus area and will make connections with mentors, young people, churches, and ministry organizations across regional and denominational boundaries. Read more about YCI grants and this year's recipients.continue reading →

News from the Institute for Discipleship – November, 2016

Why does the Institute exist? Christians of all kinds struggle to know how to grow closer to God. To help light the way, the Institute for Discipleship creates and supports ministries that provide Christians with training and opportunities to become better disciples of Jesus. This tri-annual newsletter tells you what we're working on -- both online and on the ground at Southwestern College. If you'd like to support or become involved with any of our programs, we've included an easy way to help under each item. Thank you for being on our team.…continue reading →