A proven, life-changing curriculum for youth summer camps is now available to local congregations through a collaboration between Project Transformation National and BeADisciple.com. The adaptable camp curriculum has been developed and used by Project Transformation, a 26-year-old organization that equips youth and young adults to serve their communities. It emphasizes diversity, literacy, social/emotional skills, and leadership and spiritual development. “Project Transformation has seen how building relationships through summer camp has changed the lives of the children and youth of our communities,” says Dr. Julie Wilke, vice president of programs. “We're excited to share…
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Why does the Institute exist? Christians of all kinds struggle to know how to grow closer to God. To help light the way, the Institute for Discipleship creates and supports ministries that provide Christians with training and opportunities to become better disciples of Jesus. This tri-annual newsletter tells you what we're working on -- both online and on the ground at Southwestern College. If you'd like to support or become involved with any of our programs, we've included an easy way to help under each item. Thank you for being on our team.…
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January 8-13, 2016, the annual SPARK Youth Ministry Conference in Dallas was held at Kessler Park United Methodist Church. Youth workers attended seminars, received training, applied to Southwestern College's Master of Arts in Specialized Ministries' youth ministry emphasis, and more. Bishop Richard Wilke was in attendance doing what he does best: leading the daily Bible study. Bishop Wilke led studies on Sabbath, Food & Foreigners, and Outsiders -- three topics that are all relevant to those who come in contact with youth on a daily basis. He also participated in a "Real World Conversations" where he discussed "How…
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Posted on October 14, 2011
/Under Partners
The headquarters for the Center for Youth Ministry Excellence have been relocated to Southwestern College, and the CYMX now is working in cooperation with the Institute for Discipleship. During SC's fall Board of Trustees meeting Oct. 7, Charles Harrison, chief executive officer of CYMX, was introduced and the new partnership was formalized. The Center is the host organization for the Youthworker Movement, a network with over 4,500 members. To learn more go to the CYMK website.
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