Dr. Cheryl Rude will join the administrative team of the Richard and Julia Wilke Institute for Discipleship on July 1, 2023, transitioning from a distinguished academic career that has made her a national leader in service learning studies. Rude will become the Institute’s director of campus programming and operations following her retirement from the Southwestern College faculty at the conclusion of this academic year. She joined the college in 1991, and was professor of leadership studies and academic director of leadership. Leadership Southwestern, a service learning curricular activity developed under Rude’s guidance, was…
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Posted on January 14, 2022
/Under IFD News
Funded by the Texas Methodist Foundation and produced in coordination with Perkins School of Theology Office of External Programs, a series of online learning conversations will give participants practical tools to serve teen and young adult Christians. Free for participants, these live conversations are perfect for laypeople, youth workers, and clergy who want to gain additional tools for ministering to teens and young adults in their congregations. Five webinars are scheduled for this spring on Jan. 20, Feb. 10, Mar. 3, Mar. 24, and Apr. 7. Each of the live Zoom sessions are…
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Winfield, Kan., July 8, 2021 – Youth and young adults in United Methodist churches in Texas and New Mexico will gain new support from their churches to follow their calls to serve Christ thanks to a Texas Methodist Foundation grant to the Richard and Julia Wilke Institute for Discipleship’s Timothy Circle. The grant application was made in partnership with Perkins School of Theology. The one-year $60,000 initiative will help Texas and New Mexico congregations find ways to engage persons 14 to 24 years old as they explore their faith and build lifetime discipleship. TMF invests in churches, outreach ministries, and nonprofits in Texas and New Mexico. In the spring 2021 grant cycle,…
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"In Layman's Terms," a podcast from the Great Plains Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church, featured the Richard and Julia Wilke Institute for Discipleship in a December 2019 episode. The episode, hosted by Great Plains director of communications, Todd Seifert, highlights the work of BeADisciple.com and its connection to Disciple Bible Study, and touches on the work of the Timothy Circle, the Summit Youth Academy, Amp It Up worship band camp, the Bishop Scholar program, and the Visiting Scholar program. The episode includes interviews with Institute staff members Steve Wilke and Lisa…
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