Summer Camp Curriculum and Coaching Now Available From Project Transformation,

Summer Camp Curriculum and Coaching Now Available From Project Transformation,

A proven, life-changing curriculum for youth summer camps is now available to local congregations through a collaboration between Project Transformation National and The adaptable camp curriculum has been developed and used by Project Transformation, a 26-year-old organization that equips youth and young adults to serve their communities. It emphasizes diversity, literacy, social/emotional skills, and leadership and spiritual development. “Project Transformation has seen how building relationships through summer camp has changed the lives of the children and youth of our communities,” says Dr. Julie Wilke, vice president of programs. “We're excited to share…continue reading →

Richard Clark Chosen as Visiting Scholar at Institute for Discipleship

Winfield, Kansas, May 7, 2024 – Richard E. Clark has joined the Southwestern College faculty as a Visiting Scholar of the Institute for Discipleship (IFD).  Each academic year the Institute for Discipleship provides a $20,000 fellowship and housing to a new or near-completion Ph.D. candidate in religion. Clark will spend the next two years at the Winfield, Kansas, college as he completes his doctorate in theology at the University of Manchester. His on-campus duties will include teaching undergraduate courses, participating with the faculty in the Division of Social Sciences, and engaging in an…continue reading →