May 31, 2023 — A new cycle of online ministry certification courses is set to begin Aug. 21, 2023, at is part of the Institute for Discipleship at Southwestern College and has offered quality online educational experiences with roots in Wesleyan theology since 2006. New certifications will be available in spiritual gifts and in young adult ministry. Enrollment is still open in popular areas including children’s ministry, church administration, grief care, music ministry, spiritual formation, and women’s ministries. Requirements for certification include successful completion of four online courses, and each course…
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Dr. Cheryl Rude will join the administrative team of the Richard and Julia Wilke Institute for Discipleship on July 1, 2023, transitioning from a distinguished academic career that has made her a national leader in service learning studies. Rude will become the Institute’s director of campus programming and operations following her retirement from the Southwestern College faculty at the conclusion of this academic year. She joined the college in 1991, and was professor of leadership studies and academic director of leadership. Leadership Southwestern, a service learning curricular activity developed under Rude’s guidance, was…
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Aug. 1, 2022 — In the busy-ness of life, even adults may find it difficult to set aside intentional time for silence, reflection, and prayer. During the week of July 10-16, though, high-school juniors and seniors, and college-age counselors had the opportunity to experience this intentional time and returned home with new insight on how and where God might be calling them to serve, work, and live in the world. Over six days on the Southwestern College campus in Winfield, Kan., students from Kansas, Nebraska, and New Mexico participated in activities that would guide…
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July 11, 2022 -- A new certification in church administration will begin soon at Consisting of four six-week courses, the program is delivered completely online and is intended for pastors and laypersons in congregational leadership roles. The first class is enrolling now and begins on Aug. 22. Biblical Compassion and Church Administration offers a non-denominational Christian perspective. Harriet Wilkin, a United Methodist pastor, called on her own education and experience in business leadership to design the certification. In addition to her theological degree and training, Wilkin completed degrees in business administration/management and…
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